Amateur Radio Field Day Site 2007
Grange #25 Southington
Grange #25

This meeting
place will soon turn into our op-center

80 meter

Yes Rod
can wake up before 11AM

Eric -KB1EHE
slingshot in hand

Rod and
Eric finalize the tripod for Eric's antenna

20 meter monobander

A process
of love

Ready for
the lift

Hold it
right there

Up up and

Norm is
finally getting up in the world!

Last little
bit of adjustments.

And it
is up!

Ed says
- it needs a bit more

Last tension
on the ropes

Bob and
Norm check out the SWR on 20

gathers around to see the Yaesu 2000 work on 20 meters!

Some of
the XYL's discussing further FD plans!

integration to the max, audio, cw and logging activities.

Norm copying

New to
the hobby Rich is into it!

Chet at
the 40 meter station

Rod gives
Eric's antenna a workout!

Mr Contest
his self!

It sure
was a dog day for some!

Rich is
heavy into it!

Bev and
her hubby Steve working 40 meters.

Mike on
ten meters looking for activity!

Norm greets
our section manager and Howard

Betsy gets
a greeting from our President Tom

40 meter
station complete with a laptop and logging software.

That Yaesu
2000 that we all want for Xmas.

and Howard off to visit other FD sites - 73 es tnx

Nick and
his XYL Helen catch up on old times with Steve and Bev.

Tommy has
this glint in his eye - Norm you had better watch that rig closely!

Dave after
pulling an all night'r!

And finally
everyone digs in for the promised BBQ

of knives and forks

Lots of
good food and friends

enjoy one another and good cheer!

from - KA1ILH - KB1PAJ - W1WC