A local ham radio club serving many diverse interests in amateur radio communication.
Here is where you can find out about our organization, meetings, links to other Ham topics, and ARES/RACES information.
The Southington ARA has been serving Connecticut and the Southington community with all types of communications for; Walk-A-Thons, races, benefits, Southington's Apple Harvest Parade, as well as those times of emergency. The Association, SARA Inc. is the proud sponsor of 14 repeaters, and is a yearly memorial scholarship provider at Southington's High School for a graduating student going on in the field of electronics.
SARA regularly meets the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30PM-talk-in 145.17
SARA's meeting place is Southington Town Hall Lower level! We are happy to be back at our old QTH. Handicapped accessable via Academy St then take the elevator down.
Come on down and share in the fun, learn about our organization, discuss our on going preparations for emergencies and activities. 73 all
SARA 2025 Fleamarket is on, scheduled for
March 30th
at the Southington High School
We have room for over 100 tables - Please reserve your VE session!
Connecticut's oldest and best spring Flea Market to be held at Southington High School!
Fun Times for Members
Download the pdf application
EMail a Message to President - K1HSN - Bob
K1HSN at cox dot net
EMail a Message to Vice President - KB1WOH - Dom
KB1WOH at ARRL dot net
EMail a message to Secretary - K1STM - Ann
K1STM at ARRL dot net
EMail a Message to Treasurer - KA1TRY - Jeff
ka1try at ARRL dot net
QSL Manager - KK1F-Rick
Trustee - KA1VT Chet
In an effort to reduce
spam all email addresses have been converted to text.
You'll have to hand copy the addresses to your emailer.
- On-Line Newsletter -Members Only
Sample of a Newsletter.. Click here

Storm Radar!
Severe weather radar for Connecticut, NY, and Mass
Emergency weather dot org click this link - Albany NY
Upton New York Radar
For National weather activity click this link
Find out about the latest storms!!
Hartford Connecticut
The National Hurricane Center
or here at
Palm Beach Post Storm Watch
Department of Home Land Security

Help find a missing child
Call 1-800-THE-LOST
We at S.A.R.A. support the work of the