Order of Nubile Chile Maidens

Calling All Nubile Maidens!

If you've decided that being simply nubile isn't all it's cracked up to be, and you're ready to go out there and make a difference in this world, then it is your SOLEMN DUTY to become a charter initiate in the fabulous and exclusive Order of Nubile Chile Maidens. It is, to be frank, the only decent thing for a right-thinking nubile maiden to do.

Privileges, Duties and Obligations

As a member of the Order of Nubile Chile Maidens, you'll enjoy all the benefits of TCS Membership PLUS:

With these unbelievable benefits, of course, come certain obligations. These are best explained by quoting the Nubile Chile Maiden Oath of Fidelity and Serious Commitment:

I solemnly pledge myself to Chiles and Chileness,
And swear that I will never speak against the Blessed Fruit.
I solemnly pledge to honor and cherish all my co-Maidens,
And to smile favorably on all members of the Most Wonderful
Trascendental Capsaicinophilic Society, even if they look funny.
I pledge to seriously consider with an open heart
All lewd advances made by drunken TCS members with bad breath.
Most of all, I pledge myself to Chiles and all Good Things they bring.

Note: our lawyers are still reviewing the ONCM pledge based on some anonymous advice that we might face certain "difficulties" with some parts.

So What Are You Waiting For? Join!

Join today and enjoy all the benefits of seniority in what's bound to become THE Order to be in. It's almost certainly true that length of service will be a big deciding factor when it comes time to choose a few Reverend Chile Mothers and Supreme Hyper-Priestesses.